Whether it be a vacation or a mission trip, I enjoy travel. In the fall, Tom and I are attending an out-of-town wedding and planning a trip to Ireland with some friends. I always enjoy getting away for a bit, but one thing I’ve noticed is that I enjoy coming home just as much. There’s just something about home, isn’t there? It’s the place we are known, and loved for who we are – the place we can be “ourselves.” It just feels good to be there! I feel that way about my home on Countryside Drive in Lyndhurst, but also, about my home here at First Baptist. Although I enjoy a change of pace and scenery every now and then, I’m also glad to get back to you, my church family whenever I’m away.

With that in mind, we are inviting you to attend our Homecoming Sunday, on September 8th. After a morning of great worship, we hope you’ll stick around for some fun and fellowship including:

  • Reception of new members

  • Choir returns from summer break

  • Re-launch of Sermon Discussion and Bible Study groups

  • Fellowship Hot Dog bar after worship

The following week, Sunday, September 15th, we will be celebrating Dedication Sunday. Events include:

  • Dedication of children

  • Dedication of the new Prayer Room

  • Dedication of the new hymnals

So, whether you’ve been away for the summer, for a season, or you are still looking for a place to call home, we invite you to come home to First Baptist this fall: “A place to believe. A place to belong. A place to be loved.” As Dorothy, from the Wizard of Oz, once said, “There’s no place like home.” Home is waiting for YOU! No ruby slippers needed!

 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23:6

May the grace, hope, peace, and love of God be yours,

 Pastor Debbie