National & Local Associations


Churches Preaching the Word & Reaching the World
The American Baptist Association is a network of churches who have chosen to come together and share resources to further the reach of the gospel. Their efforts have led to churches sending and supporting missionaries in many areas all over the world. They publish curriculum to educate people in the basic teachings of Scripture. These churches also help one another with ministries to the underserved of their respective communities through their collaborative efforts. Churches in the ABC have been and are being planted in the USA and across the globe.


The Cleveland Baptist Association (CBA) is a Regional Ministry of American Baptist Churches USA in the Northeast Ohio area. CBA seeks in its diversity to be a witness in the community of what can be accomplished when the gifts of many members of the Body of Christ are used for His purposes. Organized: 1832  (Celebrated Its 175th Anniversary in 2007).


A ministry of the Southeast Clergy Cluster the Hunger Center serves residents of Bedford, Bedford Heights, Maple Heights, Walton Hills, and Oakwood Village. It is located at South Haven United Church of Christ. There are many ways you can help with this ministry. They are always in need of volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help distribute food, but there is also a need throughout the week to pick up food from different distributors and deliver it to the Center.


Another ministry of the Southeast Clergy Cluster, Meals on Wheels, seeks to provide hot meals to those who might be unable to get out or prepare meals themselves. Also located at South Haven United Church of Christ, Meals on Wheels has many opportunities to serve. There are opportunities to help with preparing meals, and there is a need for drivers to spend about one hour per week delivering food to those in need. This is a great way to serve the people of our community.

Camp Koinonia

As part of the American Baptist Churches Cleveland Region the First Baptist Church of Bedford, has faithfully supported Camp Koinonia and Conference Center for many years. Koinonia’s efforts in sharing and teaching the love of Jesus Christ have touched many lives within our membership and beyond.