Christmas Eve Service 2020

A Light In Our Darkness

This Christmas Eve was certainly one for the memory book! After wrestling with the safest way for our congregation to worship, our Church Council decided to pursue an outdoor celebration of our Savior’s birth. This time, with worshipers cozy in their cars, the musicians performing in the Narthex, and the pastor and liturgist celebrating under the main overhang – we were mostly protected from the cold and snow.


Our congregation is fond of saying that we have an 11th commandment – “Thou shalt be flexible!”This has never been more true than in the year 2020! For the first time, our Christmas Eve service was broadcast over the radio waves with congregants tuning in on their car radios. Our “Advent Wreath” lighting was adapted and instead we lit tiki torches. And as we sang the beloved hymn, Silent Night, instead of holding candles, we each held small flashlights.


Whenever we try something new, its always good to “expect the unexpected.” But who could’ve predicted a mail delivery in the middle of the sermon! As the saying goes, “Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds.” Our postman certainly fulfilled his duty!


Perhaps we should change that saying to, “Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail, nor a PANDEMIC, shall keep the people of God from worshiping their Savior! To God be the glory!
